Bushfire Mapping

In 2013, Queensland has implemented a new state-wide mapping methodology developed to identify Bushfire Prone Area in support of bushfire hazard provisions of Queensland's State Planning Policy. This new methodology came into effect on 2 December 2013.


Each Council developed their own Bushfire Overlay, which identifies areas that are high, medium or low hazard and susceptible to bushfires. This overlay ensures that the natural hazard of bushfire is adequately considered when making decisions about development. For the purpose of the development application, a property that is identified within the Bushfire Overlay is designated as a bushfire prone area. 

To calculate if your property is located in the Bushfire Prone Areas, spatial landscape inputs are used in mapping analysis. A Potential Fire-line Intensity is calculated by multiplying the following:

  • Potential Fuel Load (tonnes/ha),
  • Maximum Landscape Slope (degrees) and
  • Fire Weather Severity (Forest Fire Danger Index)

Potential Bushfire Prone Area mapping is then generated by classifying the Potential Fire-line Intensity from medium to very high risk as illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Bushfire Prone Area Map for Qld (Leonard et al., 2014)
Figure 1: Bushfire Prone Area Map for Qld (Leonard et al., 2014)