Fauna Assessment and Surveys

At Green Tape Solutions, our staff have acquired excellent knowledge of native fauna species throughout Queensland, New South Wales and Northern Territory. We undertake threatened fauna species surveys on a regular basis. Recent surveys include, but are not limited to, the assessment of the presence and impact of a development on Koalas, Black-throated Finches, Black-breasted Button-quails, Spotted-tailed Quolls, microbats and acid frogs.


Our surveys are targeted to your threatened species. We can use a range of techniques or equipment, including:

  • Elliott/Sherman traps
  • Cage traps
  • Pit fall traps
  • Misnetting
  • Diurnal bird and reptile surveys
  • Nocturnal bird and mammals surveys using spotlighting equipment
  • Call playback
  • Harp traps
  • Habitat surveys

We always use State and Commonwealth fauna survey guidelines to ensure survey methodologies are in accordance with the relevant legislation. We have the necessary qualifications, equipment and experience to undertake targeted fauna surveys and meet the approval requirements of a wide range of projects, including:

  • EPBC referral
  • State environmental approvals
  • Species management plans
  • Council environmental approvals
  • Offset requirements

Our Capabilities

Bandy-bandy's (Vermicella annulata) are a common species of snake that is found throughout Australia. When startled, Bandy-bandy's change their body position to form loops which is used as a defence mechanism to startle predators.
Bandy-bandy's (Vermicella annulata) are a common species of snake that is found throughout Australia. When startled, Bandy-bandy's change their body position to form loops which is used as a defence mechanism to startle predators.