Biodiversity Surveys with Operation Wallacea
Project Location: Indonesia
Project Description: Green Tape Solutions managed Biodiversity surveys at Pulau Buton, one Island of Sulawesi. We set up transect surveys for birds, estimating food resources for birds on different islands, mist netting and recording songscapes. We quantified forest structure and calculated carbon biomass in the forests. We also completed pollard counts and baited traps to quantify butterfly communities. Herpetofauna was studied from pitfall traps installed at each camp which are checked daily, as well as standardised search times and night time spotlighting for amphibians. Large mammal surveys for macaques, anoa, deer, wild pig and also large game bird surveys were completed using distance sampling for sightings, patch occupancy analysis for signs of large mammals and camera trapping. In addition, harp traps and mist nets will be run in the evenings to quantify bat communities.
SEQ Bird Banding Program
Project Location: Across South-East Queensland
Project Description: Green Tape Solutions' Technical Director, Kelly Matthews, holds a class A banding license. She undertakes regular bird surveys and bird banding activities using misnetting across a number of sites within South-East Queensland. She also participates to the ongoing monitoring program and research survey to provide data on the passerines species across SEQ.
Birds and Bats Monitoring Program
Project Location: Bowra Sanctuary, Cunnamulla, Queensland
Project Description: Every year, Green Tape Solutions undertake bird and bat surveys for the ongoing monitoring program at Bowra Sanctuary. We collect data for research purposes leading to the protection of threatened bird and bat species. Field works include the use of harp traps, songmeters, Echo Meter Touch and misnets.
Migratory Shorebird Monitoring
Project Location: Mainly, Toombul, Gladstone and Yeppoon, Queensland
Project Description: Green Tape Solutions undertakes shorebird monitoring, bird counts, and habitat monitoring (tidal wetlands and mud flats) across Queensland.