
Review of the legislative framework for protected animals under the Nature Conservation Act 1992

The review focuses on reforming the management of protected animals under the subordinate legislation, including the Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006, the Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006, and the Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006. 



The review will consider the effectiveness of the current regulatory framework and examine alternative strategies for managing protected animals.  The objective is to strengthen conservation outcomes, and ensure the framework aligns with modern and best practice. The review also provides an opportunity to examine ways to remove unnecessary regulatory burden on low risk management actions.


For further information on the scope and options for the review, please refer to




Feedback on the paper closes 5pm Friday 29 July 2016.


Green Tape Solutions is preparing a submission. Contact us if you would like to know how the proposed changes will impact on your property.

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