At Green Tape Solutions, we provide ecological advice and reporting for mining, industrial, commercial and residential development. We have strong experience in delivering development and environmental approvals in Queensland, especially South-East Queensland. Our experts have also acquired knowledge and experience internationally, having undertaken work in Europe, Asia, New Caledonia and North America.
Ecological assessment reports are submitted to Council to demonstrate that proposed development works will protect the city’s biodiversity network and comply with the city’s planning scheme.
Green Tape Solutions has developed, submitted and received approval for over 100 ecological reports across Queensland and New South Wales. We assess sites covered by the Wetlands overlay, Biodiversity areas overlay, Waterway overlays, Matters of National/State or Local Environmental Significance, when a subdivision or a material change of use is proposed. Our ecological reports provide an assessment on the development proposal against relevant environmental legislation (Federal, State and Local).
The level of detail contained within ecological reports can vary, reflecting the nature of the development proposal and site attributes. Our ecological assessment report:
Green Tape Solutions' staff have developed, reviewed and/or delivered more than 600 projects across Queensland, New South Wales and Northern Territory. We are familiar with a large number of planning schemes, including but not limited to:
Green Tape Solutions is an accredited member of a range of national and state industry and professional organisations which relate to the environmental services we provide. Our staff are active in these organisations, being invited to sit on Boards, presenting papers at conferences, providing expert advice for legislative and industry issues and attending events and seminars to ensure we keep up to date with relevant legislation and trends. Currently, our staff are active members of: