EVNT Survey for Department of Main Transport and Main Roads
Project location: Longreach, Tambo, Alpha, QLD
Project description: Green Tape Solutions was the lead fauna consultant involved in undertaking threatened fauna and flora surveys. The field assessment aimed to conducting a feasibility study for full fauna and flora surveys across 14 Significance Environmental Areas and other identified sites that may contain high values for transient/temporal EVNT species. For example, identifying areas of key habitat for species such as mulgara and bilby which may not easily be found or historically recorded in on-ground survey data due to seasonal variations. Green Tape Solutions was engaged to perform quaternary survey and detailed fauna trapping to confirm the absence or presence of threatened species in the road reserve.
Worked performed included:
Benefits and Outcomes: Green Tape Solutions added value by providing using drone footage of the area and aerial photos of the threatened fauna species habitat. We provided a list of more than 100 flora and fauna species within the surveyed site including maps of the threatened fauna species habitat, where species sighted during the field surveys. The results of the field assessment enabled TMR to confirm 3 SEAs and remove one SEA from the list. The last site was not considered ecological significant. This information will help TMR to better assign budget and resources to the protection and conservation of significant areas.